Friday, May 29, 2009

Parental information


Here is some important information from Steve, our Brazillian Expert...

Emergency contact phones:


Rio de Janeiro

Cell Contact (Steve Spellman) :  011-55-21-8793-9945

Fixed phone contact (Jeff Droogsma):  011-55-21-2490-1094


Rio do Sul:

Pr. Johny Home:  011-55-47- 3521 2041

Church Phone (We’ll rarely be there and they have no fixed secretary):  011-55-47- 3521 3618

Pr. Johny Cell Phone: 011-55-47- 8403 3618


Don’t forget:

No bedding needed

A towel would be good

US$ 50 in spending money (personal – all meals are included)

Mosquito repellent

Electricity in Rio do Sul is 220v.  That means that anything you bring from Lincoln that runs on 110v will burn up within seconds of plugging it in.


In Rio do Sul yesterday temperature was – high 73 low 55…if a cold front hits temps can dip into the mid 40s…and NO central heating.  Be prepared

In Rio de Janeiro yesterday temperature was – high 80 low 68…today a cold front is hitting – it’s 69 outside right now.

More to come


  1. THANKS Johny...praying for an awesome time with all!

  2. FB post from Dan:
    "surgery wednesday really wiped me out. I don't remember feeling so crappy when I had my other rotator cuff done in 2001. god is good, prayers appreciated, and kayla will get a taste of being a nurse after I let her sleep in this morning."

    Many are commenting on his status and going to check on him and take some meals....He didn't refuse my offer for food!!

  3. thanks lorri goode, i didn't know i could leave a comment.

    my facebook post pretty much says it all. kayla is getting ready for her cancer camp. i'm trying to get a few things done. i really miss using my right arm. hard to get med bottle open. takes forever to type.

    praise God you're all down there safely. i trust you'll know his presence in a very real and special way.

    bambie - my mom is driving me nuts! (in a nice, motherly kind of way). i'm feeling better. pat and susan are stopping over later today to bring kayla and i a meal and leaving a couple frozen ones. i love and miss you, and i'm proud of you.

    tell darryl that even with one arm, i can beat his butt in slime-sucking pig!

  4. the above post is from dan gushard. i don't know to properly work this thing!!!!!
