Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jefferson Pao

Hello all! It has been a while since our last update mainly because we have been out of town and very busy the last couple days! This week we started going into school in other towns to talk to administration to see if we can come with the level 2 team and do our "culture exchange" and share the gospel. God has blessed our time and every single school we've gone into the last two days has been more than happy to allow us into their schools! Tuesday night we got to all spend the night in a city about 20 Kl away called Lontras. We were with the pastor of the church plant there, his name is Lucas. We spent the night at his house and then went with him to schools on wednesday. Since we don't speak Portuguese fluently yet we let Lucas do most of the talking while we try to make a good impression by talking as much as possible and one time beating some Brazilians in a game of Volleyball. We have been busy with schools and bible studies. We have had a bible study tuesday, wednesday, and thursday night this week. We usually get back to our rooms around 11, take a shower, and then crash after some reading. We have been able to build some awesome relationships and have had great conversations. God is helping us learn Portuguese fast and giving us lots of opportunities to talk with people and also to do some physical labor. We got the opportunity on Monday, which is Johnny's day off, to go help roof a house for a couple that goes to the church. We spent the day putting bricks on the ceiling and running tubing for electrical throughout the house. This was Johnny's "off day". It was good to sweat a little bit, and even though the sun goes down at about 6 the sunsets are absolutely beautiful here! Thanks for the prayers and we will be keeping you all posted! -Andrew Hello folks well the time is midnight and we are very tired, but this is a good kind of tired knowing that God has used us to for his awesome plan here in Rio. Like Andrew said we have been really busy seeing new and old faces, getting opportunities to build new relationships and continue old ones. Today we travelled to a city named TaĆ­o, there we spent the day with pastor johnny and we went to three schools who were all very nice and loved the fact that we would be coming back with more americans, and we are excited for what this year is going to have in store for us. We are all growing closer to each other. The late night talks and the laughs are always amazing. Even though i am struggling with TD (travelers diarrhea) for over a week now (at least i hope thats all it is) God is still giving me the strength and the energy to continue on. We love the thoughts and prayers. Much love -Alek About the title... (inside joke) :)


  1. Praise God....sounds like God is blessing your opportunities to go to more schools via your contacts with the administrations! You are truly preparing the way for the upcoming team!

    Glad to hear you are all bonding too. Alek..we're praying for healing. Trusting you are NOT using their water for brushing your teeth etc etc. Recommend your folks contact their doctor here to possibly send some meds for you to clear it up.

    You guys are such a blessing! May God continue to pour His Spirit into each of you that you might reflect Jesus to those you encounter each day!

  2. Praying for you guys. Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Praying for you all....... This trip will forever be etched in your memory. The time spent together and all that God did thru each of you. Some of things may not be known this side of Heaven.. but one day it will all be revealed. Alek please continue to take care of yourself. I talked to the doctor today and i sent you an inbox message on fb. Love you and miss you mom
