Friday, June 19, 2009

19.6.09 Last day in Rio Do Sul

WOW! I usually don't use exclamation points or all caps, but I thought it was necessary this time. We finished up our scheduled ministry here in Rio do Sol today. We split into two groups and went to two schools These kids were great too. They had signs for us and were very welcoming. It's going to be strange to go somewhere and not have them make you cake and coffee. Apparently we were the talk of the town all week. We have beenon the radio and tv letting people know our schedule and where to come listen to us if they wanted to. Wow. Our estimate is that in the last 9 days, our group has shared the gospel with around 4000-5000 people and generated interest in 5 different towns where we were sent out to aid the churches that are struggling. We are very humbled by what God has laid before us and feel very grateful for the opportunity.

Thank you for your continual support, the kids love hearing from you all and we're hoping to be able to check and update you over the next couple of days as we leave for Rio De Janiero but we're not sure what internet will be available.

Connie, we're pumped about the bbq/pool party. Thank you for the offer.

Tonight the church is taking us to a Pizzaria buffet that is supposed to be great and then we're having kind of a send off party. We're all looking forward to it.

Lastly in this post, are the pictures. I was at the school with the smaller group so my pictures are limited but here is a small snippit of what went on today.

While sharing the most important gospel, we didn't forget about the second most important one. Here is Ricky with our bus driver that has been great for us. Notice the bus driver's shirt.

At nearly every school we were at, we played elbow tag. The kids loved it and here is a pic of Joel Michaels playing with the kids. He has been a huge help since he arrived on Monday. We're thankful that he's here.

E-Rock, Brandon, Kayla Spellman, Lauren and Joel lead the kids in a rousing rendition of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

E-rock teaches the guitar to a couple of Brazillian boys.



  1. Okay, Madison Marie.

    You send a message to dad and NO HELLO TO YOUR MAMA! Shame!

    Guess what, Razzy is here spending the night. She is so fun. Gato is hiding out in your room.

    I miss you. Sounds like you are having fun and quite an impact. Praise God for all of you.

    Hey, tell Dylan that I read about the lawn comment. Thanks a lot neighbor...but i guess it's true. Jerry does have the best lawn. Rats.

    I can't wait to hear about your host home. It sounds like they are truly God's gift to you all. Remember to tell them thank you and get contact info.

    My prayer for you today is that God will blow your mind in the remaining days. He will use you for his good purpose and that you will be willing to "follow HIm." I pray for endurance, strength and love. Be strong and courageous, dear one.

    Love to the team.


  2. Sean Mc
    Hope you get this. We are really missing you, the lake was fun this past week but everyone there made comments on how they missed you on this year campout. The water was great no wind and at times the water was like glass. We will try to make it out when you get back. Tonight after reading your messages I called Kelly she was traveling and did not have access to internet so I read her your PS. she said to tell you she misses you too. Love you and Miss you Mom

  3. I've had a chace not only to read the daily posts, but also many comments left by parents, family, and friends. They remind me of all the encouraging letters Paul wrote in the NT to the churces. So much truth, wisdom, and discipline in those words.

    We continue to pray for your group as well as you, Ryan. Love you brother!

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

  4. Praising God for the great Father's Day wishes from ya'll. Thanks for remembering...

    Wow! God is taking such great care of you. Praise HIM!

    Can't wait to see all of you on the 23nd.

    I hope and pray the remainder of your time will be restful and refreshing.

    Finish well... and keep leaning on HIM!
    Love ya and miss ya,

  5. Hey Cameron,

    It was great to hear from you today. (got your father's day message.) I knew that your experiences would be great but it was good to get confirmation from you. It's a lot of work as well as fun. We went to Craig Schultz's wedding tonight. Pastor Mick was asking about you and I took the opportunity to brag you up. Amanda was there and of course she is all grown up now. It was fun peering back into the LCA days. We are up early in the morning (Saturday) to hit the road to Colorado. Sorry you had to miss out on the trip but your time has been well spent and it should be easy to rest up when you get home. I am amazed at the stories we are receiving out of Brazil and know it's just the tip of the iceberg. We love you Bud and will continue to pray for success and safety of the team.


  6. Brazil Team,

    Sounds like it is time for some well deserved rest after the hard work you have been doing. Enjoy your last couple days in Brazil, rest, relax, have fun! And know that we are all still praying for you as you unwind and reflect and prepare for travel.


    Looking forward to seeing you soon! Love you lots and missing you a bunch. See you soon!

    Mom (rhoni)

  7. Dylan,

    I talked to your mom this morning. She has been reading the posts. And, she has been posting, but we don't know where they are going! We don't see them here. Have you gotten any of her posts? I told her to come over today and we'd figure it out.

    In the meantime, know that she and Jerry are keeping up with you and the team via this blog and missing you dearly.

    Finish strong! God bless,

  8. E-Rock,

    Love the picture of you playing guitar with the kids. Keep on using your talents for God's honor and glory!!

    Can't wait to see you on Tuesday.

    Love you forever (and 12 minutes)!

  9. Eric,
    PS: Sibley found your BB Band music.

  10. Sean H.,
    You know that your Mom will cry at anything, but your Dad is not so quick to do so. But your message really melted his heart. We are so blessed that God gave you to us. And, you made it through the week, wow! As we (Mom & Dad) prayed for you this morning, we felt such excitement in thinking about what a life-changing experience this has been for you. As we read the posts every day, we marveled at the many, many people that your mighty team of 25 (plus Joel) have reached with God's love and truth. Enjoy your time in Rio. We will be praying for a smooth ride home. Watch out for the big hugs that you are going to get from us on Tuesday!

  11. Hi..I evidently didn't know what I was doing.I left a comment in the wrong place and you probably didn't read it..See June 9th..Be safe and be strong..We miss you all so much..Nick,BC...thats code BRING COFFEE! :)

  12. Hi Jon...We just returned from Holdrege and immediately went to the computer to check out the blog! Wow...we cannot wait to hear all about all of your experiences there. It sounds like God truly went before you and surrounded you the entire time! We're amazed at all the people you have been able to reach as a team...T.V. and radio?? AMAZING!

    Thanks for the special note to Dad...brought tears to my eyes!!

    And YES...DUH...we'll be there at the airport! Love your thoughts on missions too...but don't let me sway you!

    See you you much,
