Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Morning 12.6.09, Part 1

We are ready to go for another day. Yesterday and last night were great, we had quite a few people come to the English camp and we had many great opportunities for teaching. Some of which are shown in the pictures below.

Some of the pictures are from lunch yesterday too. They made us a soup at the church, which actually tasted pretty good. It was chicken (the whole thing), water, carrots, rice and potato. Couple that with some amazing local bread and it was a good lunch. A couple of the kids realized they actually did use the whole chicken when they found feet in their bowl. Eric decided to try it and said it wasn't that much different than the regular chicken now you know. Also, chicken heart is somewhat of a delicacy down here. They had it at the steakhouse, in the soup and on the pizza last night. Some of the kids are loving it, while others of us are sane. It tastes like a piece of dark meat that is really chewy and the dark meat flavor is very, very strong.

Abby's interview didn't happen due to lack of room on the set for her and Becca (translator). Abby did speak at the program last night and did an excellent job.

If anyone has specific questions I will try to relay them to the group or your child to see if we can't get you an answer. Also, let me know what you want to hear more about and I'll try to gather the information.

Robin, to answer your question about what Madison was doing...we wondered that too and finally concluded that she was trying to get her camera ready to have someone take a picture for her of the group. That's her story at least.

Today there will be a group going to an orphanage and we have more games and teaching time tonight...until next time.

What we've learned in Brazil so far:

Jake is tall here too.

How to speak using a translator. (Translator is Becca Spellman, she's great)

E-Rock likes to eat chicken feet
Brazillians put chicken feet in soup for flavor.

Brazillian bread is very good and the homemade soup may not be somthing to look at, but tastes good.



  1. You go, Eric! - What's that saying? "If we're willing to say 'Where He leads me I will follow', we should also say 'What He feeds me I will swallow'"!

    Becky Rock

  2. You all are doing an awesome job. : ) I'm praying for you! Tell Abigail that I love and miss her!

  3. My Mom in North Platte heard Ricky talking about the trip on Bridge Radio out there yesterday. I hope your parents are listening Brock and Em. Pretty cool!! People you don't even know are praying for you guys!

    The above dish looks like it should be on "Fear Factor"....... I'd be losing some weight if I were there!

  4. How did the English classes go? Who was able to go to the orphanage? Tell Jon we miss him! =-) God's using you guys and preparing you in mighty ways!

  5. So nice to see that the miles away from home has not changed Alek's personality at all :)
    I love you and miss you Alek! Keep working hard for the Lord.

  6. Hi Team!
    It is so wonderful to hear news of what you are doing each day! I soooo wish I were there with you. I am praying every day for your health and safety and am really glad that it has been what looks like a very fun trip so far.

    Darryl & Brandon!
    I miss you guys like crazy. Brittany, Callie, Carter, Brenton and I have all been down in Arkansas and are having a great time here. We have gone swimming in the lake both yesterday and today and done some kayaking as well. It is REALLY fun! It was Grandpa's 65th birthday today, so we went out to (shhhh, don't say this out loud for everyone to hear . . . it will make them jealous) Famous Dave's. Not to rub it in or anything. We leave early tomorrow morning to go home. We think we're going to stop and say hi to Dad (Mick) in Kansas City. Please stay safe (that would include not jumping off cliffs and giving yourself pneumonia)! I'm praying your sermon and testimonies have gone well. Love you both so much and can't wait to see you again! I'll post again soon.
    Deb Rahn
